Thursday, October 9, 2008

Passed Few Days

So the passed two days have been pretty busy, during the repair part of the day we have been working on refretting and dressing the frets, making new bone nuts and saddles for them. As far as my build goes, i've been working on theneck pocket for 2 days, we managed mess it up not only once, but twice, so its come to a stand still almost. That will end today when i get it all finished up the right way. Oh yea, i also dressed up as one of the teachers to have a little fun around the shop. i went as far as to buy the pack of cigs he smokes and walk around with a pillow in my shirt, we even got a wig from walmart! the shirt says the name of his band, Armazilla!! it was pretty funny and i got to act like brian all day which was pretty fun. Here are some pictures to enjoy.

So the first one is gary helping jon out with his neck. The next one is brian and brian jr. The last picture is lee rocking out with his almost finished guitar, he sure does have a lot of energy, oh yea he's 21, doesnt he look like he's 16?! haha anyway i'll be sure to get some pictures of my build up soon.


Ange said...

haha you almost look like him! How'd you get your beard so perfect... titanium razor maybe?

Rachel and Brian said...

holy! It looks like you jumped in a time machine. I think thats what you will look like in 20 yrs. This comment is for all of the past like 10 of them: Pretty awesome work man. You are quite the craftsman. One question. Do they let you play Call of Duty 4 down there?


{natalie} said...

that is hysterical - you with the wig! I love it. So hot aus